
Classical Pantheism is a way of thinking, philosophy, view of the world and/or a realization that could fill-in the gap between scientific fact and the mysterious, it offers a different point-view that's other than atheism or theism, religious or skeptic, one that doesn't entail having to believe in a god or not believing in one. Classical Pantheism is broadly and loosely defined, thus is simple and all-inclusive leaving the details up to you.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Scientific Pantheist Universe vs. Classical Pantheist Universe

Scientific Pantheists say:
The universe exists for itself, without cause or purpose. Nothing existed before it that could have been its cause. Nothing exists outside it that could be the source of its purpose *1
In my opinion, the statement above can be rewritten as follows to suite a Classical Pantheist:
The Omniverse exists for itself. Nothing exists outside of it that could be the source of it. The Omniverse is eternal**.
** eternal means: Without beginning or end of existence; always existing, everlasting.
This statement is my personal view of what the Classical Pantheist view of the Omniverse (i.e. the Pantheist equivalent of the god) is.
In my statement I purposefully avoided discussing the “Universe’s purpose”. I think it is speculative to assume that the Universe has no purpose or that we can comprehend what its purpose is, or is not, if one(s) existed. Since I do not have sufficient knowledge, I am comfortable leaving speculation (regarding purpose) out of this statement. Further I use the word Omniverse, not Universe as the Omniverse is a better word to describe all of existence and everything that ever did or will exist, including multiple universes.
Humans have a need and strong urge to know the origin of things, the purpose behind things existing and what caused  these things to exist (the cause of things). Thus, understandably, we are uncomfortable with concepts such as eternity, infinity and simply not knowing.  This driving need inside of us to know, to understand “cause” and “purpose” is a hallmark of what makes us human. We can all identify with this desire to know.
When primitive people saw a comet (eclipses, shooting stars, lightning or felt the destruction of earthquakes or volcanoes etc..) they assumed that some god(s) was behind such event(s) and that this god must have had a message or a cause that prompted her/him to take such action. Their gods were anthropomorphic (with human-like characteristics). Their need to know the cause and purpose of things coupled with their lack of information prompted them to seek supernatural gods as the cause. These pre-scientific humans made up (and found) their cause and purpose.
Today, our quest goes on. Scientists are more driven than ever to study the origins of life, the beginnings of our universe, as well as the future of the universe and life. In doing so, we continue to seek the (and assume that there is a) purpose and a cause for everything, including the Universe and life.  The Omniverse is eternal, ever lasting, infinite. The definition above does not claim to know its purpose or even if one exist.
Nowadays, many (similarly to pre-scientific humans) assume God is eternal, has a purpose and is the cause for (is the creator of) the universe and life, based on their limited definition of universe and life. However, as I have shown under the label of “Classical Pantheism” a creator God is not needed once one defines the Omniverse.
Pantheists do not assume the existence (nor do they need to) of the Abrahamic God. Once one accepts the notion that there is something that exists that is eternal and infinite (i.e. as people that believe in an Abrahamic God do), it becomes imminently clear how this eternal and infinite thing is the Omniverse itself.  The Omniverse does not need a creator because it is eternal, and is infinite as well. Both Classical and Scientific Pantheists agree that a man-made anthropomorphic creator or Abrahamic God is not needed to explain the Omniverse or universe.
Let’s celebrate our commonalities, not differences of opinion.
Read more about the Pantheist God, here and the Pantheist Universe, here.
* 1 – from http://www.pantheism.net/paul/cause.htm retrieved 02/17/2010
Updated: Dec 19, 2010

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