
Classical Pantheism is a way of thinking, philosophy, view of the world and/or a realization that could fill-in the gap between scientific fact and the mysterious, it offers a different point-view that's other than atheism or theism, religious or skeptic, one that doesn't entail having to believe in a god or not believing in one. Classical Pantheism is broadly and loosely defined, thus is simple and all-inclusive leaving the details up to you.

Find a more precise definition of Classical Pantheism and what the omniverse using the tabs above.

Please note: The majority of the articles were migrated here from my other website which I shut down.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

5 Reasons We May Live in a Multiverse

The universe we live in may not be the only one out there. In fact, our universe could be just one of an infinite number of universes making up a “multiverse.”
Though the concept may stretch credulity, there’s good physics behind it. And there’s not just one way to get to a multiverse — numerous physics theories independently point to such a conclusion. In fact, some experts think the existence of hidden universes is more likely than not.

How Does Classical Pantheism Relate To Morality?

Pantheism offers a philosophical view of life and existence itself. It has no holy books or sacred teachings. Humans have the choice to do good or evil. There is no heaven or hell. The life of humans here and now is what it is, we could make it heaven or hell.
Respect for life in all forms:
The omniverse (and everything within it) is divine and worthy of respect and awe. It follows that everything in this omniverse has divinity, is worthy of respect and awe. Life and consciousness are considered “aware” and “distinct” component of this omniverse, thus life and consciousness are divine and deserves and demands respect.
Some view everything as divine, including plants, animals, rocks, clouds, thoughts, emotions..
If once sees others are part of the one, as distinct personalities of the same essence, one will feel an innate love for everything and everyone. Thus, love is an often experienced emotion. Further, Pantheism allows a person to shed their fears to a large degree.
Like I said, there is no holy book here, we have inside of ourselves the innate ability to evolve our thoughts, morals, culture and laws. If one bases their morals on the basic concept of respecting divinity that is every where and in everything, we would have fair and just laws and interactions amongst each other.


Note: This website used to have an introduction text on the main page. That text was removed and posted as this article on July 9th, 2011 opting to keep the home page short and simple. Here’s the introduction, written sometime in mid 2010:
A more precise definition of Classical Pantheism can be found here.
Classical Pantheism offers you a framework that enables being true to yourself, to fully accept both science and spirituality, without religious or atheistic extremism, without dogma or controlling concepts, enabling you to see past the world of duality most religious followers and evangelical atheists create, giving you a world-view that is truly and essentially holistic.
This world view is what makes Classical Pantheism different. Classical Pantheism is not a new concept, it’s as old as human thought, yet it is as modern as possible, because it is derived from human thought, knowledge and experience, thus it evolves as we do.
Classical Pantheism enables you to explore your inner and outer nature, not only in scientific terms but also in spiritual terms and personal experiences. It merges our human attraction to exploration and knowledge along with our innate spirituality and emotions, it also encourages you accept the unknown, or not knowing. When we do not know, we rely on human thought, or logic, while understanding and accepting the limitations of both, not fearing them.
Pantheism is interesting because (despite the term pan-theism) it is not Theistic as we define theism today; it is also not Atheistic. It is rather holistic, in doing so it recognizes dualities but sees past duality into the wholeness or oneness of everything.
A main concept in Classical Pantheism as it is known today is what I call “the Omniverse”. Thinking in terms of the Omniverse redefines what people consider to be a god, a divine existence, or the “all there is”. Another facet of Classical Pantheism is that it accepts “not knowing” certain facts, in not knowing lies mystery, which is an integral part of the human experience. We understands and respects human limitations, and rely on logic (ancient and modern) where science is lacking in explanation.
Unlike Atheism or Skepticism we celebrate the unknown along with the known scientific facts of the day. We also accept the natural constant evolution of science, never scumming to the stagnation of scientific dogma.
Pantheism offers a fresh, very deep basic interpretation of existence, grounded in the concept of the Omniverse’s oneness and wholeness, in the known and unknown, with no deity(s) to worship, no god to fear, no religious dogma, no heaven or hell to aspire to.
Classical Panthesists respect knowledge, knowing, research, experimentation and the scientific method. They view them in a holistic manner, within a larger context of politics, funding and cultural norms of the time.
Knowing and not knowing are dualities of our existence. We celebrate both, and fear neither.
We aspire to view everything from our own existence, culture, economy, social interactions, discovery, medicine and health, traditional concepts, myth, and spirituality from a holistic perspective, rather than taking sides with extremes of science or religion, knowing and not knowing, myth and fact, allopathic medicine and natural healing, all constantly evolving, we recognize these as parts of today’s duality that makes up the wholeness of existence.
Atheism and religion: If you are a strong skeptic Atheist, religious Christian or Muslim (from any denomination), or if you think God is a being(s) that created this universe (and humans) while separate from it, and himself was not created, and/or this divine being judges people, struggles with original sin and redemption, or is made in the image of man, you are by default, currently, not a Classical Pantheist.
Myth and spirituality: Spirituality, some “fringe science” concepts, spirits, “life” after “death”, other beings, human 6th sense, dark matter, worm holes, multi universes, bubble universes, radiant electricity, life force (Chi), Yin/Yang ideas, natural healing, and the concept of the “Omniverse”.. If you believe these to exist or be true, or to “might” be true/exist, or have an “agnostic” stance, you are in agreement with Classical Pantheism. Classical Pantheism understands there will always be scientifically-unknowable-things, and accepts different interpretations; if you deny them and think “these do not exist”, you are not a Classical Pantheist.
As Classical Pantheists, we integrate and merge the dualities of thinking, into one mental reality. We find ancient or traditional principles useful in offering insight into the human psyche and in offering tools to enable our exploration of our inner and outer worlds. We experience both the Yin and Yang of existence but acknowledge that together they are a whole one. We live, explore, learn and journey this life with science, spirituality, intuition, emotion, ethics, morality, empowering self-responsibility, logic and everything that makes us (whole) human. Additionally, we respect all living beings and certainly human life.
To be a Classical Pantheist one must be open minded and accepting, not only in accepting (or being agnostic about) the scientifically-unknowable things, but also open minded to scientific discovery, and the massive wealth of human philosophies, especially ones that empower people. One must respect all religions that teach love and caring; to constantly learn empowering concepts from all religious thought including but not limited to Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Pagan, Atheism, Humanism, and certainly from Taoism, and philosophies of influential humans such as Christ, Buddha, Lao Tzu, etc. Wisdom and truth exist in all these, the diversity of thought is a part of the duality of our existence.
Many are Classical Pantheists yet have not heard of this term, or have come-across the definition of Scientific Pantheism mistaking it as the definition of Pantheism (as it was before Scientific pantheism, i.e. the definition of Classical Pantheism). That’s why I put this website together in November 2009.
When a concept is so obvious sometimes it is the one everyone overlooks. The concept of the Omniverse is exactly that.
To know Pantheism (especially Classical Pantheism) you must know what the Omniverse is.
All the above topics are/will be discussed in more detail in this website’s articles. To learn more about what Classical Pantheism is, how it compares to other religions, what its ethics and morality are like, what the Omniverse is, and more browse this site’s articles and pages.
Blessings and peace to all of humanity,

The Remedy Lies in Pantheism

“If I am right in my diagnosis of mankind’s present-day distress, the remedy lies in reverting from the world view of monotheism to the world view of pantheism, which is older and was once universal.”
Arnold Toynbee

Who Coined the Term Pantheist?

The term “pantheist” was used first by an Irish writer named John Toland in 1705. He defined a pantheist as one who beleives:
in no other eternal being but the universe
This is a simple definition that describes both scientific pantheism and classical/mystical pantheism.

Is Pantheism the Same as Panentheism?

No. A lot of confusion exists between pantheism and panentheism. Here’s a clarification:
Pantheism:  “God is the whole”. God is synonymous with the Omniverse. The Omniverse is practically the whole itself, the one itself. If you have to use the word god in Pantheism then the omniverse and god are coextensive.
Panentheism: “The whole is in God”. The universe and God are not ontologically equivalent. God is not necessarily the creator or demiurge, but the eternal animating force behind the universe, some versions positing the universe as nothing more than the manifest part of God. In some forms of panentheism, the universe/cosmos exists within God, who in turn “pervades” or is “in” the cosmos. God is greater than the universe and some forms hold that the universe is contained within God.
Pantheists do not worry about god watching them, judging them, who god is, god is not  a person to them. They view the Omniverse as a whole oneness as ALL THERE IS. The one infinite eternal Omniverse always was and always will be what is.
You will find pantheists or pantheistic ideas within these religions: Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Neopaganism,  Theosophy, Gaia theory, Unitarian Universalists, Sufism, traditional and folk religions including African traditional religions and Native American religions.
On the other hand, Panenthesits do refer to God often and view this god in a fashion more similar to the Abrahamic religions, as an encompassing force or a creator, one that transcends the creation (but is not it). You will see panentheists within these religions: Christianity, Islam (Ismaili doctrine, Sufism [universal sufism] and Shi’ism), Judaism, Hinduism, Bahá’í Faith, Gnosticism, Manichaeism, and Kabbalism
Updated Dec 19, 2010

Is Pantheism Nondualistic?

Generally yes, by examining the excerpt from wikipedia below discussing non-dualism and monism you’ll find that pantheism (which is monotheistic) is non-dualism.
The philosophical concept of monismis similar to nondualism. Some forms of monism hold that all phenomena are actually of the same substance. Other forms of monism including attributive monism and idealism are similar concepts to nondualism. Nondualism proper holds that different phenomena are inseparable or that there is no hard line between them, but not that they are the same. The distinction between these two types of views is considered critical in Zen, Madhyamika, and Dzogchen, all of which are nondualisms proper. Some later philosophical approaches also attempt to undermine traditional dichotomies, with the view they are fundamentally invalid or inaccurate. For example, one typical form ofdeconstruction is the critique of binary oppositions within a text whileproblematizationquestions the context or situation in which concepts such as dualisms occur. **
Borrowing from the lexicon, you can find the definition of Dualism and nondualism below.
Dualism: The doctrine that reality consists of two basic opposing elements, often taken to be mind and matter (or mind and body), or good and evil. Dualism denotes a state of two parts. The word’s origin is the Latin duo, “two” . The term ‘dualism’ was originally coined to denote co-eternal binary opposition, a meaning that is preserved in metaphysical and philosophical duality discourse but has been diluted in general usage.
Nondualism: Is the implication that things appear distinct while not being separate. The belief that dualism or dichotomy are illusory phenomena; that things such as mind and body may remain distinct while not actually being separate.
It may be debated that Scientific Pantheists are Materialistic Nondualists (the physical Universe is one and all). I believe that Classical Pantheists are Spiritual Nondualists(the spirit/the substance/the force/the conscious Universe is all and one) and Classical Pantheists can be thought of as Spiritual Monotheists as well. The definition of Universe is what varies between them.
It is my personal opinion that Universe, itself is consciousness, or conscious spirit. So am I, so are you, thus all is connected (not separate, ONE), yet distinct. This distinction may be a necessary ilusion for the Universe/god to experience its existence, or perhaps this distinction is solely a product of the ego.  Thinking, words, ideas (such as this article) are also used and created by the ego.  Many people identify as the ego (identify themselves as their ideas, thoughts, beliefs, emotions).   This is my personal opinion as of 2/28/2010. Any addendums will be posted as comments below.
Find up to date definitions of these and other terms in the lexicon
You may find this article interesting Is Pantheism Monotheistic?